*snf snf snf*
O. K. thank you.
Mushu was my best friend for 13 and a half years! He was a napping buddy, a lap warmer, a piano enjoyer, a lover of brushies, a growl-at-the-doorbell-and-run-away guard cat, and a very, very good boy.
He was my birthday present in 2009, the most tolerant out of a litter of rescue kittens down the street. His birthday was approximately September 12th of that year.
In early 2021, he started having major health issues, which were eventually diagnosed as thyroid cancer. After a long, loving life, we said goodbye as he went over the rainbow bridge on March 17th, 2023.
My fondest memories of Moosh are of him curled up in my arms on the couch, paws stretched out to touch my face as he kneaded and purred. Here is a haiku I wrote about him in 2009:
Furry orange ball
Sitting in the living room
My very cute cat

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