A site header reading 'Ever Etcetera' in white and orange tones.


[Home] [Treasure Cove]

Updates !!

2024/07/22 --
- added gallery page!!

2024/06/30 --
- updated Treasure Cove page
- updated the house

To Do !!

- make it mobile friandly.
- beasts css!
- reviews page!!


A gif of a bouncing grey house with a blue roof.

My Friends

A button reading 'Wormboy3' in a pixel font. A colorful worm is next to it. A button showing partial illustrations of various characters, pausing on text reading Paracosm in all caps. A button reading 'Visit Mossland' in all caps. 'Mossland' is in a retro font. The background is nature themed. A button reading 'Divorce' in all caps in one corner. The background is solid, eye-searing magenta. A button reading 'Sweetpea Sprite' in lowercase cursive. There is a blue emblem on the left. A button reading 'Sparkdust' in all-caps in a pixel font. Its background consists of sparkling shades of blue. A button reading 'House of Fun ARG' in handwritten text, on a pastel pink background, with hearts and a smiley face to the side.

Cool Sites

A button reading 'Textures' with an exclamation point. There's a rainbow diamond shape on the right. A button reading '99 Gif Shop' in an all caps pixel font. It's simplistic, like a price tag. A button reading 'Plastic Dino' with an exclamation point. The text fades in and out from a rainbow background.


A button reading 'apillabode' with a pink background and hearts. It features a pink bird with purple wings and big beady eyes.

My Button

A button reading 'Ever E T C' in white and orange tones.

under heavy construction !!!

A gif of ocean waves with an island and palm tree on the left.


A gif of ocean waves with an island and palm tree on the left.
A blinkie reading 'demon core apologist' in lowercase on a yellow background. A blinkie reading 'I heart MS Paint' with the Microsoft Paint logo on the left and right. A blinky reading 'on my puter' with a Windows XP folder and cursor on the 'Bliss' Windows background.
A tiny gif of a cartoon starfish walking on two arms, like legs.


© everetcetera, 2022-2023